Keep Greater Test!Keep Greater Together!
All of our instruments and testing equipment is designed, developed and manufactured in-house. We don’t sell third party products. Because we designed and developed all of our testing equipment, we really do understand every aspect of how the equipment works. We know how to get the most out of it and can offer the highest levels of customer support. |
Our focus at Turnkey is on developing accurate and user-friendly scientific and industrial instruments. We invest in research and product development and our in-house product designers and engineers are consistently at the forefront of developments. |
Beijing Kanggaote Instruments and Equipment Co., Ltd
Keep Greater Test!Keep Greater Together!
Floor 8, Tower 2, HANWEI International Phase 4,
No.186 Nansihuan West Road,
Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Copyright © 2023.Beijing Kanggaote Instruments and Equipment Co., Ltd All rights reserved.
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