FRAX Series Sweep frequency response analysers

FRAX Series Sweep frequency response analysers
Product introduction

The FRAX series of sweep frequency response analyzers (SFRA) detects potential mechanical and electrical problems that other methods are unable to detect. Major utilities and service companies have used the FRA method for more than a decade. The measurement is easy to perform and will capture a unique fingerprint of the transformer. The measurement is compared to a reference fingerprint and gives a direct answer if the mechanical parts of the transformer are unchanged or not. Deviations indicate geometrical and/or electrical changes within the transformer.

▪ Highest dynamic range and accuracy in the industry
▪ Smallest and most rugged FRA instrument in the industry
▪ Fulfills all international standards for SFRA measurements
▪ Advanced analysis and decision support built into the software
▪ Imports data from other FRA test sets
▪ Test object browser – Unlimited number of tests and sweeps.Full user control.
▪ Quick select tabs – Quickly change presentation view for different perspectives and analysis tools.
▪ Quick graph buttons – Programmable graph setting lets you change views quickly and easily.
▪ Sweep/curve settings – Every sweep can be individually turned on or off, change color, thickness and position.
▪ Dynamic zoom – Zoom in and move your focus to any part of the curve.
▪ Operation buttons – All essential functions at your fingertips;select with mouse, function keys or touch screen.
▪ Automated analysis compares two curves using an algorithm that compare amplitude as well as frequency shift and lets you know if the difference is severe, obvious or