PD-SGS On-line PD Detection of HV Assets

PD-SGS On-line PD Detection of HV Assets
Product introduction

The PD-SGS is an on-line Partial Discharge (PD) spot tester for HV assets. The instrument detects TEV signals generated by internal discharge in Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS), acoustic discharge generated by surface tracking or corona, high frequency signal generated by cable partial discharge, and ultra-high frequency signal generated by internal discharge in Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS).

▪ Advanced Noise Rejection – System detects PD in higher noise environments,
reducing the possibility false positives
▪ PRPD – PRPD display allows user to distinguish between PD and Noise
▪ Rapidly survey whole substation – detects MV and HV problems before
developing into tangible failure risks
▪ Switchgear – Air Insulated (AIS)
▪ Switchgear – Gas Insulated (GIS)